Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What a crazy week...

Life at home is busy...very busy.  Thank goodness Nick is home for the rest of the week.  I will miss him terribly when he goes back to work.  Getting two kids out of the house is going to be a real challenge all by myself, but with the proper planning, I can get it done.  Audra seems to really love her new little brother.  I hear "see baby?  Hug baby?  Touch baby?  Hold baby?  Kiss baby?"  all of the time =) .  She doesn't seem the least bit offended by him.  Im so glad.  I was worried that she would feel left out or hurt by his arrival.
So about my little boy...he is so sweet (of course he is...hes a baby!).  He doesn't cry much...just when hes hungry or getting his diaper changed.  He sleeps ok.  He LOVES to be held.  He is all business when it comes to eating.  Not a sleepy feeder at all, which is such a blessing when it comes to breastfeeding.  I took him in for his first doctors appt. last Friday, 2/18, and he weighed in at 7lbs 10oz.  He left the hospital on Wednesday, 2/16, at 7lbs 9oz.  So it wasn't a great gain.  Then today we took him in for a weight check and he came in at 8lbs even!  I'm so glad hes gaining well.  And note to self (and everyone else) breastfeeding is so much easier than bottle feeding.  Audra was bottle fed and to compare the!  I dont have to carry around all that extra stuff anymore...or clean bottles (which was my least favorite thing in the whole world to do).  I'm soooooo glad its working out for me this time.  I'm tired and I wish I was able to share the night shift, but I'm so glad to be able to experience this.

So life is good....great.  I'm happy.  I'm in love with the three people in my home.  I couldn't ask for more.

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