Sunday, July 31, 2011

The iPhone has ruined me.

I have barely touched my laptop since getting the iPhone.  Its just so convenient (in most ways).  I Can't update my blog (well I could, but it would take me FOREVER), can't see everything on Facebook (but certainly enough to get by), can't sort out my e-mail like I would prefer, and I can't really follow along on one of my favorite sites about kids (get an app!!).  Other than that, I have never been so up-to-date on the news, lol.  Nor have I ever played so many Scrabble type games in my life.  Also new to me is carrying around my phone EVERYWHERE.  To the bathroom, while doing laundry, to water the sad???  I have never in my life had my phone with me all of the time.  I think my husband is annoyed.  Rightfully so.  Oh yeah, and the PICTURES!!!  Oh the pictures!!  I have probably snapped a good 250 in the past month and a half.  Now if I could just find a good camera app...