Yesterday was an AWESOME day. Warm, sunny, beautiful. The neighborhood was buzzing with activity. It was one of those days that if you tried to have the same kind of day the following weekend, it just wouldn't be as cool. I stumbled upon an AMAZING deal at Stop and Shop. Free Easter Lillies. Yes, FREE. So what did I do? I packed my car full of them. When I got home I gave some away to neighbors (trying to make friends, lol) and put a couple in my house. Then I decided to plant the rest. I dug and weeded for HOURS. I also had some Columbines that we purchased earlier that needed to be put in the ground, so it was good timing to get free Lillies.
I also went shopping for Summer clothes for the kids. Surprisingly, I didn't enjoy myself as much as one would expect. Free reign to spend money and take my time doing so with no children to look after should equal a good time (if you like to shop like I do). Nope. I was too concerned about the little girl I was shopping for. Audra was at home, laying on the couch, fever, leg pain, and cough. I just kept wracking my brain trying to think of what could cause all of those symptoms. And also praying fervently that Elijah wouldn't catch it too. I came up with possible strep, the flu, or a virus. Im taking her in to the doc today to check it out. Anyway...when shes feeling better I will snap some pics of her in her cute new clothes.
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