Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 12. Write about what wears you out as a woman.

I guess I just feel the need to try to be perfect most of the time.  I so want to be the Cleaver mom.  I want my house to be spotless and to be the perfect mom.  I want to serve my husband who works so hard so that I can stay at home with our children.  I want the perfect physique and to always appear to be polished and well put together.  I want to have dinner on the table every night by the time Nick gets home from work....a perfectly balanced, healthy, and delicious meal.  I want to be a better Christian.  I feel like there is so much more that I should be doing to glorify God and to be a better witness.

Its me that wears me out.  I'm just not that woman...and thats okay!  My house stays pretty clean.  I do cook sometimes.  As far as I know, Audra seems to be happy, although I always feel like I could be a better mom.  I sometimes wear make-up before leaving the house...although Im hardly ever out of my jeans.  I love God and try to make sure that I keep church a priority.   But still, I want to be better.  Its exhausting hearing the voices in my head that tell me what I should have done different in a day (not literal need for concern). What I could have done better.

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